Glossary of Planning Terms

Glossary of Planning and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Terms

Glossary is usually defined as an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge. This knowledge base glossary provides a collection of knowledge base documents that define many technical terms. These terms are arranged alphabetically, but you can quickly jump to a specific term by selecting its first letter from the index of the knowledge base glossary below.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

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General Plan
The Prince George's County General Plan, approved by the County Council in October 2002, provides long-range guidance for the future growth of the county. It identifies Centers and Corridors where intensive mixed use (residential, commercial and employment development) is to be encouraged. The plan also divides the county into three development tiers (Developed, Developing, Rural) recognizing the different development goals and needs of different parts of the county. The plan also makes recommendations for infrastructure elements: green infrastructure, transportation systems, and public facilities. The plan includes guidance for economic development, revitalization, housing, urban design and historic preservation. Future implementation efforts are outlined.
The process of identifying the coordinates of a location given its address.
Geographic Information System (Gis)
An organized collection of computer hardware, software and geographic data designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze and display all forms of geographically referenced information.
Geographic Information System. An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information.
Graphical User Interface (Gui)
A graphical method of controlling how a user interacts with a computer to perform various tasks. Instead of issuing commands at a prompt, the user performs desired tasks by using a mouse to choose from 'a dashboard' of options presented on the display screen. These are in the form of pictorial buttons (icons) and lists. Some GUI tools are dynamic and the user must manipulate a graphical object on the screen to invoke a function; for example, moving a slider bar to set a parameter value (e.g., setting the scale of a map).
Green Area
An area of land associated with, and located on the same parcel of land as, a building for which it serves to provide light and air, or scenic, recreational, or similar purposes.
Green Building
Practices that consider the impacts of buildings on the local, regional, and global environment, energy and water efficiency, reduction of operation and maintenance costs, minimization of construction waste, and eliminating the use of harmful building materials.
Green Corridor
A network of large undisturbed land areas (hubs) connected by designated pathways for the movement of wildlife and humans (green corridors).
Green Hub
A network of large undisturbed land areas (hubs) connected by designated pathways for the movement of wildlife and humans (green corridors).
Green Infrastructure
A network of large undisturbed land areas (hubs) connected by designated pathways for the movement of wildlife and humans (green corridors).
Areas of protected open space that follow natural and manmade linear features for recreation, transportation and conservation purposes and link ecological, cultural and recreational amenities.
A geographic data model representing information as an array of equally sized square cells arranged in rows and columns. Each grid cell is referenced by its geographic x,y location.
Gross Floor Area (Gfa)
The total number of square feet of floor area in a building.