Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation
 > Department of Parks and Recreation | Arts > Arts Opportunities

Request for Qualifications: Sculptural Trail Signage Design & Pilot Fabrication

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Request for Qualifications: Sculptural Trail Signage Design & Pilot Fabrication
The Hyattsville Community Development Corporation (CDC) is seeking an artist, designer, or team to create the design and develop pilot production of a sculpturally-influenced wayfinding trail signage framework or platform for locations along the Rhode Island Avenue Trolley Trail. This project will be conducted for and in close collaboration with the Hyattsville CDC, as detailed in the RFQ below. Initial submissions are due by Friday, May 20th, 2016, from which 3 finalists will be selected to submit more detailed design concepts. Please see the RFQ for more details and contact Molly O’Connell, Program Manager, at with any additional questions.Request for Qualifications: Sculptural Trail Signage Design & Pilot Fabrication