
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Riverdale Park Architectural Survey January 2001 Report This survey report was completed at the request of the Town of Riverdale Park under the Planning
Assistance to Municipalities and Communities Program. The purpose of the survey was to collect
general data about the architectural and historical character of the original 1889 Riverdale Park
subdivision and a smaller adjacent subdivision platted in 1906 as West Riverdale. This report
updates a similar survey completed in 1991.

This report is designed to provide preliminary findings about the potential eligibility of the
study area for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places as a Historic District and for potential designation as a Historic District under
the Prince George's County Historic Preservation Ordinance. The report contains general historical
background information, a description of research methodology, a set of findings about the
architectural character of the study area, recommendations on eligibility for historic district
designation, and potential actions to follow this report. The report's appendices include a
detailed building inventory, a glossary of building forms and styles, and local, state and federal
historic preservation policies and guidelines. The report is illustrated with maps and photographs.
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