
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Broad Creek Historic District Preservation Planning Study June 2002 Report The Broad Creek Historic District Preservation Planning Study reflects the results of a series of
design workshops conducted in 2001 by staff of the Planning and Preservation Section of the
Community Planning Division, Planning Department, M-NCPPC, for property-owners, residents and
others interested in the future of the Historic District. The study updates a previous planning
study, provides a history and architectural survey, and clarifies county policies for protection of
the historic district.

The study, illustrated with photographs and maps, is divided into five major sections: Section I,
the Introduction, explains a chronology of planning efforts in the community and the purpose of the
present study. Section II contains a detailed history of Broad Creek from the period of Native
American occupation to the end of the twentieth century. Section III contains the Architectural
Character and Significance complete with photographs and individual site plans of all buildings in
the district. Section IV, Planning Context, discusses environmental features, land use, zoning,
transportation, parkland and trails in the district. Section V, Visioning Process and Goals for the
Historic District, comprises a review of the process and results of the three design workshops.
Four Appendices contain the 1987 Design Guidelines, the Historic District Advisory Committee Rules
of Procedure, the Historic Area Work Permit process and other regulations, and the implementation
strategies from the 1995 Broad Creek Historic District Livingston Road Streetscape Guidelines.