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Town of Riverdale Park Mixed-Use Town Center Zone Development Plan January 2004 Plan The Prince George's County Planning Board of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning
Commission (M-NCPPC) is pleased to make available the approved Town of Riverdale Park Mixed-Use
Town Center (M-U-TC) Zone Development
Plan. This community-based and community-driven development plan is an important step in the effort
to revitalize
Riverdale Park's town center areas along US 1 and in the older core along Queensbury Road around
the MARC station. The
M-U-TC Zone was originally recommended for Riverdale Park's older commercial areas in the 1994
Planning Area 68
master plan. The M-U-TC Zone was created during the master plan process to promote the
revitalization and redevelopment
of the county's older commercial centers and to allow for a mix of uses and locally established
design standards and guidelines.
The intent of the zone is to provide more design flexibility, while promoting more compatible
development for older communities. The Riverdale Park Mixed-Use Town Center (M-U-TC) zoning map
amendment process is another step in the community's effort to revitalize its town center areas
along US 1 and in the older core along Queensbury Road around the MARC station. This zone was
originally recommended for Riverdale Park's older commercial areas in the 1996 Planning Area 68
Master Plan. The M-U-TC Zone was created during the master plan process to promote the
revitalization and redevelopment of the county's older commercial centers.