
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Prince George's County Population, Housing, and Economic Survey October 2022 Report Population, Housing, and Economics The Population, Housing, and Economic Survey is compiled and written by the Prince George's County
Planning Department and covers recent data on population, housing, social, and economic data for
Prince George's County, Maryland. It includes additional historical and comparative data with other
localities of the metropolitan Washington area. The report offers raw data with accompanying
tables, graphs, or charts to show changes or trends in the data and how they are reflected in the
County, all drawn from reliable and authoritative data sources. The overall purpose of the survey
is to provide a convenient, organized summary and reference document for the general public,
M-NCPPC, and local governments and to provide information to assist in planning and policymaking
that would affect Prince George's County. The Prince George's County Planning Department expects to
produce regular updates of the survey.