
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
2009 Prince George's County Community Indicators Study December 2009 Report The 2009 Prince George's County Quality of Life and Community Indicators Study provides data to
inform current policy discussions and decision-making. The study serves as a dynamic measurement
tool that can support a variety of initiatives concerning the well-being of the people who live,
work, play, go to school, or visit the county. This study presents subjective-qualitative and
objective-quantitative indicators to monitor trends in economic, social, community, and
environmental conditions in the county and the benchmark jurisdictions. It involves tracking
indicators, both positive and negative, that reflect the trends in education, health, employment,
income, housing, and public safety, among others.
It tells where we are, how far we have come, and what critical areas need attention if we are to
achieve our vision for the county. For the immediate future, the data will provide critical input
to support the ongoing Envision Prince George's effort.