
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Prince George's County 1996 Household Survey: Initial Survey Results and Technical Documentation July 1999 Report Initial tabulation of results and process documentation from the 1996 Prince George's County Household Survey This publication documents the initial results of and survey process utilized in the 1996 Prince
George's County Household Survey-the first such comprehensive demographic survey undertaken by the
Planning Department. Initial frequency distributions are presented for all demographic data on
individuals in surveyed households, as well as characteristics of the housing unit, household
members and the householder. The process documentation includes references to the compilation of a
sampling frame and the sampling process, the design and dissemination of survey forms,
determination of response rates, the weighting of survey response. and understanding survey error.
The majority of survey questions mirrored those asked in the1990 census, while others were included
to venture into new areas key to planning.