
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Preliminary Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment for the Addison Road Metro Town Center and Vicinity July 1999 Reference ONLY Preliminary Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment for portions of Planning Areas 72 and 75 (A & B) in Prince George's County This document contains text and maps of the Approved Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for
the Addison Road Metro Town Center and Vicinity. The plan amends portions of the 1985
Suit/and-District Heights and Vicinity Master Plan and the 1993 Landover and Vicinity Master Plan.
The plan is also an amendment to the General Plan for the Maryland-Washington Regional District
within Prince George's County, Maryland, approved by the County Council in 1982. Developed by the
community with the assistance of the Commission, this document discusses existing plans for the
area, and analyzes population, employment, land use, and zoning characteristics. The sector plan
proposes a town center for the area surrounding the Metro station, and sets forth concepts and
recommendations for land use, access and circulation, and urban design. The document includes the
approved sectional (zoning) map amendment which implements the land use recommendations of the plan
for the town center. The approved Development District Standards are also included. Proposals for
improvement of the surrounding community address property standards, public facilities,
environmental protection, image, amenities, redevelopment initiatives, and Old Town Seat Pleasant.
The document makes recommendations for implementation of the sector plan including redevelopment
initiatives, a proposed sectional zoning map amendment, and design standards.
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