
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
The Approved Prince George's Plaza Transit District Development Plan and Transit District Overlay Zoning Map Amendment July 2016 Plan The Approved Transit District Development Plan and Transit District Overlay Zone for the Prince George's Plaza Regional Transit District within Planning Area 68 in Prince George's County, Maryland This document is the Transit District Development Plan (TDDP) and Transit District Overlay Zoning
Map Amendment (TDOZMA) for the Prince George's Plaza Regional Transit District. The plan contains a
comprehensive vision to guide future development within the area along with implementation
strategies to help realize the development vision. The Plan replaces the 1998 Prince George's Plaza
Approved Transit District Development Plan for the Transit District Overlay Zone. It also amends
portions of the Plan Prince George's 2035 Approved General Plan, the 1983 Adopted and Approved
Functional Master Plan for Public School Sites, the 1994 Planning Area 68 Approved Master Plan and
Sectional Map Amendment, the 2009 Countywide Master Plan of Transportation, and Formula 2040:
Functional Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Open Space (2014) for the portion of Planning Area
68 within the Prince George's Plaza Regional Transit District and the Prince George's County Zoning
Map for tat portion of Planning Area 68 within the Regional Transit District.