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30% Design of the Central Avenue Connector Trail (CACT): Phase I-Addison Road segment January 2017 Report 30% Design of the Central Avenue Connector Trail (CACT): Phase I-Addison Road segment The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Prince George's County
Planning Department has initiated the 30% Design of the Central Avenue Connector Trail (CACT):
Phase I—Addison Road segment. This design report presents a summary of the trail design,
stakeholder and community engagement tasks undertaken, and an implementation plan with the goal of
advancing the project toward construction.
Phase 1 (Implementation) consists of a one-mile segment of roadside trail along MD 214 (Central
Avenue) in the Seat Pleasant area of Prince George's County, Maryland. Central Avenue, a six-lane
divided urban arterial with a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour, provides regional
transportation access between downtown Washington, D.C. and the eastern suburbs in Prince George's
County. Conditions for pedestrians along the road are currently stressful with high volumes of
local and commuter traffic and high average vehicle travel speeds along Central Avenue.