
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
The Approved Landover Metro Area and MD 202 Corridor Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment June 2014 Plan The Approved Landover Metro Area and MD 202 Corridor Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment The Prince George's County Planning Board of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning
Commission is pleased to make available the Landover Metro Area and MD 202 Corridor Approved Sector
Plan and Sectional Map Amendment. This sector plan provides a new vision for the Landover Metro
area and the MD 202 Corridor between Barlowe Road and the Baltimore-Washington Parkway that will
transform Landover from an auto-oriented community to one that is a vibrant pedestrian- and
bicyclist-friendly community where people wish to live, work, and play.