
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Approved Henson Creek-South Potomac Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment April 2006 Plan This document contains text and maps of the approved master plan and sectional map amendment for
the Henson Creek-South Potomac Planning Areas 76B and 80. This plan supercedes the 1981
Master Plan for Subregion VII and updates the 1984 Approved Subregion VII Sectional Map
Amendment. It also amends the 2002 Prince George's County Approved General Plan and other
functional master plans. This plan was developed primarily during a communitywide, seven-day
planning charrette. This document provides visions, goals, background, policies and strategies
for numerous planning elements. The Development Pattern element generally reinforces the lowdensity
character of the planning areas. High-intensity development is encouraged at the National
Harbor Metropolitan Center and medium- to high-intensity redevelopment is encouraged at the
Oxon Hill Regional Center. There is a strong emphasis on mixed-use, transit- and pedestrianoriented
development patterns in these areas. It also encourages low- to moderate-intensity
mixed-use development at designated corridor nodes, activity centers, and other mixed-use
areas. The plan recommends enacting conservation subdivision regulations and other flexible
standards that place a premium on conserving open areas and protecting environmental features.
Land use and urban design concepts and illustrations are included that encourage mixed-use,
compact and pedestrian-friendly development. The Areawide Infrastructure element addresses
environment, transportation, schools, fire, police, library, parks and trails. The Community
Character element addresses economic development, historic preservation, urban design, and
revitalization issues. The Implementation section provides short- and long-term implementation
strategies and recommends specific properties and areas for future rezoning to achieve the
visions and goals for those areas. The General Plan Rural and Developing Tier boundaries are
redefined, the corridor along MD 210 is removed, and a new transit corridor along Oxon Hill
Road is recommended.