
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Greenbelt Metro Area Approved Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment October 2001 Plan This document contains text and maps of the Approved Greenbelt Metro Area Sector Plan and Sectional
Map Amendment. The plan amends the 1989 Approved Langley Park-College
Park-Greenbelt Master Plan and the 1990 Approved Subregion Master Plan. The plan is also an
amendment to the General Plan for the Maryland-Washington Regional District within Prince
George=s County, Maryland, approved by the County Council in 1982. Developed by the Commission
with the assistance of the sector planning group, the plan discusses existing plans and growth
policies and analyzes land use, circulation, environment, cultural heritage, recreation and open
space, public facilities, economics and market, and zoning characteristics. The plan sets forth
concepts, recommendations and design standards and/or guidelines for the entire Sector Plan Area
and each subarea. The Sectional Map Amendment section contains zoning changes including an
overlay zone to implement the plan=s land use recommendations and design standards.