
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
A Study of Occupational Shifts and Workforce Characteristics December 2011 Research Study Meeting the Workforce Imperative for Advancing Economic Development in Prince George's County The objective of this study, commissioned by the Prince George's County Planning Department of the
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), is to provide policy/decision
makers with a better understanding of occupational changes and workforce development needs and to
develop a strategy to meet these needs and promote regional growth and business development. To
carry out the analysis, M-NCPPC retained the services of the Battelle Technology Partnership
Practice, working together with the University of Baltimore’s Jacob France Institute and
Market-Economics, Inc. The analysis undertaken included both in-depth quantitative assessments of
industry workforce demand and labor supply in the county, along with outreach to industry,
educational institutions, and government and economic development leaders encompassing one-on-one
interviews and focus groups.