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Prince George's County, Maryland, Cemetery Preservation Manual December 2010 Report A manual for the preservation of historic cemeteries in Prince George's County, Maryland Historic cemeteries contain information on the county's social, cultural, and historic heritage.
Cemeteries provide genealogical data and information on the history of a particular place,
religious practice, and lifestyle. They also display the folk art of tombstone carving and
preserve the natural features of the landscape. Regrettably, many cemeteries-especially
family burial plots-have been abandoned and suffer from neglect.
This manual provides information on the types of cemeteries present in Prince George's
County, why it is important to preserve cemeteries, how to develop a cemetery preservation
plan, where to look for funding, and how to research and survey historic cemeteries. Guidance
is offered on basic preservation techniques, including initial clean-up, regular maintenance,
gravestone cleaning, repairs, resetting gravestones, and selecting a skilled conservator.
The appendices provide a glossary of terms commonly used in cemetery research, survey, and
preservation, how to identify cemetery features, sample survey forms, cemetery laws, and a
bibliography. Through this manual, M-NCPPC hopes to bolster local cemetery preservation
efforts and generate additional support for the protection of historic burial grounds.