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St. Barnabas-Beech Road Industrial Study and Action Plan June 2010 Report st. Barnabas-Beech Road Industrial Study and Action Plan Located just inside the Capital Beltway and south of Branch Avenue (MD 5), the St. Barnabas-Beech
Road study area encompasses a strip commercial corridor and a small industrial
center flanked by mid-to-late twentieth century residential and commercial
development. As with many of the county's post-World War II commercial areas, new investment
has moved away from St. Barnabas Road to farther-out suburbs, leaving behind obsolete
commercial buildings, older infrastructure, and a corridor designed primarily for automobiles.
The Beech Road industrial area has fared somewhat better since its development in the 1950s,
but the proximity of residential development and the southern barrier of Henson Creek and the
Capital Beltway has limited the expansion of industrial uses. Many of the industrial area properties
also contain older structures, and its public infrastructure shows signs of deterioration.
Additionally, development standards of previous decades have created an area with minimal
landscaping and screening of operations areas.