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List of Free Blacks in Prince Georges County 1790-1860 June 2009 Report This document is a compilation of free black entries in the federal censuses for Prince George's
County, Maryland from 1790 to 1860. It was prepared by The Ottery Group, Inc., as part of a
contract with The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Prince George's County
Planning Department, to document the history of antebellum plantations. Entries from each census
year have been tabulated; each table is unique to a particular census year. The purpose of this
document is to assist researchers focusing on the historically small, but significant, free black
population in the county. If used in combination with other primary historical records such as
maps, land records, tax records, etc., these tables represent a useful tool for genealogical and
historical research, as well as for locating the physical remnants of the lives of the free blacks
across the landscape of Prince George's County in the pre-civil war era.