
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Approved Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for Bladensburg-New Carrollton and Vicinity (Planning Area 69) May 1994 Plan This document contains maps and supporting text of the Approved Bladensburg-New Carrollton and
Vicinity Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment. The Plan supersedes the 1980 Master Plan
for Bladensburg-Defense Heights and Vicinity. The Plan is also an amendment to The General Plan for
the Maryland-Washington Regional District within Prince George's County, Maryland, approved by the
County Council in 1982; the 1975 Countywide Trails Plan (including the 1985 Equestrian Addendum)
and the 1982 Master Plan of Transportation. Developed by the Commission with the assistance of the
Bladensburg-New Carrollton and Vicinity Citizens' Advisory Committee, this Plan analyzes
population, employment, land use (including retail, office and industrial space needs) and zoning
characteristics. The Plan sets forth goals, objectives, concepts, recommendations and guidelines
for each of the eight major elements: Environmental Envelope, Historic Preservation, Living Areas,
Commercial Areas, Employment Areas, Urban Design, Circulation and Transportation, and Public
Facilities. This document also makes recommendations to implement the Master Plan during the
ongoing planning and regulatory process. The Approved Sectional Map Amendment is the new official
zoning map
for Planning Area69_eplacing the 1982 Sectional
Map Amendment and subsequent amendments, thereto.