
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Plan Prince George's 2035 Approved General Plan May 2014 Plan The Prince George's County General Plan Plan Prince George's 2035 includes comprehensive recommendations for guiding future development
within Prince George's County. The plan designates eight Regional Transit Districts, which are the
of the County's planned growth and mixed-use development, and which have the capacity to become
major economic generators. Six Neighborhood Reinvestment Areas are designated for coordinated
funding and resources needed to stabilize and revitalize these areas. Also identified in the plan
Rural and Agricultural Areas composed of low-density residential, agricultural uses, and significant
natural resources that are recommended for continued protection and investment in order to maintain
critical infrastructure. The plan contains recommended goals, policies, and strategies for the
elements: Land Use; Economic Prosperity; Transportation and Mobility; Natural Environment; Housing
and Neighborhoods; Community Heritage, Culture, and Design; Healthy Communities; and Public
Facilities. Plan implementation through prioritization of strategies, measuring short- and long-term
success, public and municipal engagement, intergovernmental coordination, and public-private
partnerships are also described.