
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
2021 Takoma/Langley Crossroads Parking Study October 2021 Report Takoma/Langley Crossroads Parking Study The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) engaged RK&K to conduct a
parking study within the Takoma/Langley Crossroads community of Prince George’s County. The
objective of the study was to analyze existing parking conditions of certain commercial and
residential areas and to develop an action plan to address parking supply deficiencies. The
consultant team collected data from existing plans and studies, field reconnaissance, and
residential and commercial surveys to develop the action plan. Recognizing forthcoming changes to
parking regulations through the enactment of the proposed Zoning Code, as well as potential changes
in parking demand following the completion of the Purple Line, the action plan was designed to be
flexible and explores two approaches—accommodating parking demand and constraining parking
demand—as potential paths forward.