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Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan - Market Study Report August 2021 Report Transit-Oriented Development Market Area To support the new Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment, the Maryland-National Capital Park and
Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) hired a consultant team to prepare a market analysis of the Adelphi
Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan. The Sector Plan will implement the
recommendations of Plan 2035 for the UMD West Campus Center by documenting and analyzing existing
conditions in the plan area; leading an inclusive community engagement and visioning process;
identifying the market potential of the plan area; identifying opportunities to increase and
improve access to the nearby transit stations; evaluating stormwater management strategies; and
supporting walkable, transit-oriented and transit-supportive development consistent with Plan
2035’s recommendations for Campus Centers around the Adelphi Road Purple Line station. Deliverables
will assist Prince George’s County Planning Department staff to better align planning with market
realities and dynamics and optimize future development opportunities around existing transit
stations while creating sustainable, vibrant urban places. The plan will be instrumental in the
County’s future land use decisions aimed at positioning the County to attract investments, build
its commercial tax base, fund critical services, grow its high-quality job base, and improve the
quality of life of existing and future residents.