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Plan Prince George's 2035 Approved General Plan Five-Year Evaluation (2019) September 2020 Report Evaluation of the County's progress toward meeting Plan 2035 vision and goals A comprehensive 20-year general plan, the 2014 Plan Prince George's 2035 Approved General Plan
(Plan 2035) articulates a shared vision for making Prince George's County a competitive force in
the regional economy, a leader in sustainable growth, a community of strong neighborhoods and
municipalities, and a place where residents are healthy and engaged. Plan 2035 specifies indicators
of success and growth management targets to measure progress toward the vision and goals described
in Plan 2035.
This 2019 Plan 2035 Five-Year Evaluation Report quantifies the indicators of success and identifies
where progress has been made and where improvements are needed. The report measures the growth
management policy regarding dwelling units and jobs targets by growth policy areas.