
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Technical Summary for the Preliminary General Plan: Infrastructure, Transportation, Public Facilities February 2002 Plan The Technical Summary for the Preliminary General Plan: Infrastructure, Transportation, Public
Facilities provides background information in support of the 2002 Preliminary General Plan for
Prince George's County. This information, based on staff and consultant analyses, helped guide the
Prince George's County Planning Department in making recommendations contained in the Preliminary
General Plan and will also be used in the preparation of future plans. The report is divided into
three parts. The Environment Infrastructure section describes background information and analyses
for green infrastructure, woodland conservation, water quality, energy efficiency, green building,
and outdoor lighting. The Transportation section describes the transportation model used to
analyzed the mid-range (2005) impacts of the Preferred Development Alternative upon which the
Preliminary Plan's recommendations are based. The general implications of the model results are
also discussed. The Public Facilities section describes background analyzed for schools, fire and
rescue, police, and library facilities. These analyses were used to make Preliminary General Plan
recommendations for fire and rescue facilities, as well as establishing objectives for libraries
and police facilities. The school facilities analysis included in this document projects mid-range
(2005) school (elementary, middle, and high) seats needed within large sections of the county.
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