Zoning Ordinance Interpretation (ZOI)

Zoning Ordinance Interpretation (ZOI) is a new process to provide formal written interpretations of any provision of the Zoning Ordinance. Interpretations may be of either the ordinance text, zone boundary, compliance with conditions of approval, whether or not an unlisted use is comparable to a listed use (i.e. should it be allowed or prohibited in a zone), or other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. ZOIs may be initiated by any person having a contractual interest in land in the County.

Note: Click on the ZOI Case Number to view the written interpretations.

     Case Title:  3342 Bladensburg Road
     Description:  Zoning Ordinance Interpretation 27-1704(d)(3)
     Location:  Approximately 1300 Feet Southwest Of The Intersection Of Oak Street And Bladensburg Road.
     Written Interpretations:  ZOI-2024-002.pdf 

     Case Title:  9306 Marlboro Pike
     Description:  Car Wash/restaurant With Drive Through
     Location:  1 Mile South Of Md 4 Pennsylvania Avenue And Md 337 Suitland Parkway
     Written Interpretations:  ZOI-2023-003.pdf 

     Case Title:  (suit Farm) Westphalia Central Park
     Description:  Interpretation Of Zone And Transitional Provisions For Westphalia Central Park Parcels 48,42, & 13
     Location:  On The South Side Of Westphalia Road And Northeast Of Woodyard Road
     Written Interpretations:  ZOI-2023-002.pdf 

     Case Title:  Centerpark Lot 7
     Description:  Requesting An Interpretation Of How Building Lenth Is Calculated For Purposes Of Implementing Sec 27-6903(d)(1)
     Location:  On The East Side Of Powder Mill Road And South Of I 95
     Written Interpretations:  ZOI-2023-001.pdf