Become a Person of Record

Resident Registration

Please choose from the options described below to register to receive information on new development applications filed with the Planning Department.

To register

Become a Person of Record

    As a Person of record in a development application case, registered persons shall be provided with notice of scheduled hearings, actions and decisions rendered at certain stages of the application process. Please fill out the following form.

Resident Registration

    As a registered citizen in up to two council districts, registered persons shall receive a monthly report of all development applications filed, sorted by Council district, and digital copies of the informational mailings for all listed applications; To receive hearing dates and decisions on any cases, please register to become a person of record.

If you have any questions while signing up this form, please email

NOTE: Registrations herein does not entitle a person to speak at a meeting. Any person who wants to speak at a hearing must sign up to speak here for a specific session.