Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation
Dinosaur Park
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Dinosaur Park

Cretaceous Roll Call: Nodosaurs
February, 10 11:55 AM
Cretaceous Roll Call: Nodosaurs
Nodosaurs were short-legged, stocky, and very wide plant eating dinosaurs. Along with their cousins the ankylosaurs (think club tails), they were among the most well-armored animals to ever appear on...
The Long Haul
January, 27 9:48 AM
The Long Haul
Contrary to popular images of paleontologists, most scientists who study fossils do not spend all their time in the field. Weather, time, and financial resources all limit how long paleontologists...
Why Was Astrodon So Big?
December, 18 2:16 PM
Why Was Astrodon So Big?
Artwork by Clarence Schumaker.

Astrodon johnstoni, Maryland’s best-known dinosaur, was a giant. The largest...
College Park Dinosaur Tracks
November, 24 4:25 PM
College Park Dinosaur Tracks
Theropod dinosaur tracks in the collection of Ray Stanford. Photo by Kathy Addario.

Dinosaur Park is the best place to find Cretaceous dinosaur...
The Importance of Fossil Pollen
November, 6 12:14 PM
The Importance of Fossil Pollen
On November 5th, Dinosaur Park hosted a group of scientists visiting from the Geological Society of America's annual conference. We were the first stop on a day-long field trip led by Pete McLaughlin...