Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation
Dinosaur Park
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Dinosaur Park

New Banners on Mid Atlantic

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New Banners on Mid Atlantic
Fourteen new banners are flying high on Mid Atlantic Boulevard, leading the way to Dinosaur Park! From dinosaurs like Astrodon and Priconodon to smaller animals like crocodiles and turtles, each banner shows a reconstruction of a different animal that lived here in Maryland during the Cretaceous Period. No two banners are alike, so you may want to take a stroll down the road next time you visit the Park, in order to see them all.

Local artist Clarence Schumaker produced the artwork featured in the banners. The images are all taken from a large mural depicting the Dinosaur Park site 110 million years ago. The full mural will eventually be displayed at the Park.

Progress on our renovated entrance and interpretive area is continuing steadily. We greatly appreciate your patience while construction is taking place. In the meantime, Open House events in the Dinosaur Park fossil quarry are still taking place on the first and third Saturday of each month. We hope to see you there soon!