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Ally Theatre Casting For DC Premiere Of Miz Washington

3 Digs
Ally Theatre Casting For DC Premiere Of Miz Washington
Ally Theatre Company seeks African-American male and African-American female for the roles of Sucky Boy and Ann Dandridge in the D.C. Premiere of The Most Spectacularly Lamentable Trial of Miz Martha Washington by James Ijames.

Sucky Boy (also plays Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Lawyer Man and Southern Belle) - male, 20s-30s, light-skinned, bi-racial
Ann Dandridge, female, late 40s-50s but doesn't look it - Mulatto half sister of Martha Washington

Details -
Ally will hold open auditions for these two roles from 5PM-10PM on Sunday February 12th
Location TBA
Auditionees will be given sides upon confirmation of appointment.

Rehearsals start March 6th and run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday through April 15th
10/12s on Monday April 17 and Tuesday April 18
Dress and Preview Performances Wednesday April 19, Thursday April 20, Friday April 21
Grand Opening Saturday April 22nd
The Show runs Thursday-Sat at 8PM and Sundays at 3PM
Closing Saturday May 20
Please note there are no performances May 4-7.
All rehearsals and performances take place at Joe's Movement Emporium in Mt. Rainier, MD.

To schedule an appointment, please contact Ally Casting Director Jon Jon Johnson at

Stipend available

For more information about the company and the show please visit