Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation
 > Department of Parks and Recreation | Arts > Arts Opportunities

34th Annual Choreographer's Showcase Auditions

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34th Annual Choreographer
Choreographers ages 18 and up may apply to audition their original compositions before two nationally-recognized adjudicators, Leah Cox and Keith A. Thompson. Six finalists will be selected to present works in concert, and will be eligible for cash prizes and an Audience Choice Award. There is no fee to audition.

Any modern work not exceeding 15 minutes in length created within the last two years.
Work must be auditioned in finished form with props, sets, and costumes. If selected, work may not be revised prior to the Showcase
Choreographers must reside in Maryland, Virginia, or the District of Columbia.

Deadline to Apply: October 31, 2016

Go HEREto access the application

Auditions are scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 5 and Sunday, Nov. 6 at The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Dance Theatre, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Your audition time will be scheduled immediately upon receipt of your application. Those selected for the Showcase will be notified by Nov. 7.

Concert Date
The 34th Annual Choreographer’s Showcase
Saturday, February 4, 2017 3 PM & 8PM
The Clarice Smith Center for the Performing Arts

Please direct all questions to Christel Stevens,,
301-446-3232; TTY 301-699-2544