Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation
 > Department of Parks and Recreation | Arts > Arts Opportunities

Professional Development Workshop: Effective ARTiculation with Jerry Truong

1 Digs
Professional Development Workshop: Effective ARTiculation with Jerry Truong
Are you unsure what you should write or even how to begin composing your artist statement? Learn some strategies to help you communicate your concepts and process, organize your ideas, and draft a compelling statement that will aid your art practice. If you already have a statement, come have it vetted and tightened. There will be discussion of language, style, and audience. Whether you’re starting from scratch or polishing an existing piece, discover strategies that will allow you to craft a statement that effectively embodies your creative visual output.

For more information, contact Kirsten Hein at

This workshop is FREE and is first-come, first-served, 20 participants maximum. Workshop location is Education Room #2 at ARTOMATIC, 8100 Corporate Dr., Hyattsville, MD 20785.

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