
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Fairmount Heights - A History: From Its Beginnings (1900) to Incorporation (1935) July 1991 Report This report summarizes the findings of an architectural/historical survey of Fairmount Heights,
requested by the Mayor and Council of the Town. The goal of the project was to prepare a history of
the development of the community from its earliest subdivision in 1900.

The report describes the sequential platting, between 1900 and 1923, of the six subdivisions which
make up the present-day municipality; it describes
the building of some of the earliest homes, and the establishment of community institutions such as
schools, churches, the social hall and citizens associations. It analyzes and compares the
architectural forms of the residential buildings, and describes the community in 1935 as it
achieved incorporation, at that time the largest black municipality in Prince George's County. The
report is supplemented by photographs, plats and maps.
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