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Central Avenue-Metro Blue Line Corridor TOD Implementation
Market and Transit-Oriented Development Potential, Priorities, and Strategies Study
July 2014 Report Project Mobility Study The Market and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Potential, Priorities, and Strategies Study will
support the Subregion 4 Central Avenue-Metro Blue Line Corridor TOD Implementation Project.
Planning at the station level will be formed by corridor-level planning and will include an
analysis of the development potential at the following Blue Line Metro Stations: Capitol Heights,
Addison Road-Seat Pleasant, and Morgan Boulevard. Development opportunities at the Largo Town
Center station are further defined in the
2013 Approved Largo Town Center Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment. The Preliminary Subregion
4 Master Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment encourages "medium to medium-high density,
mixed-use, transit and pedestrian-oriented development."