
Title: Published Date: Category: Subject: Abstract: Number of Pages: View/Download: Related Documents:
Approved Capitol Heights Transit District Development Plan and Transit District Overlay Zoning Map Amendment July 2008 Plan New Transit District Development Plan and Transit District Overlay Zone for the Capitol Heights Metro Area This document contains text and maps of the approved transit district development plan (TDDP) and
transit district overlay zoning map amendment for the Capitol Heights Metro Station and vicinity.
This plan contains a new TDOZ and transit district overlay zone (TDOZ) and amends portions of the
1993 Approved Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for Landover and Vicinity (Planning Area 72)
and the 1986 Approved Master Plan for Suitland-District Heights and Vicinity, Planning Areas 75A
and 75B. Developed by M-NCPPC with the assistance of the community, this plan contains a
comprehensive development vision, development review process requirements, and form-based
development standards and guidelines. Together, these elements comprise the Capitol Heights Transit
District Development Plan (TDDP). It controls and guides the use and development of all land within
the Transit District Overlay Zone (TDOZ) from the initial submittal of plans to the issuance of
permits. Together, the TDOZ and TDDP are intended to foster transit-oriented development that
increases the use of public transit, maximizes return on investment in transit facilities and
services, encourages appropriate development near transit stations with coordinated urban design
elements, and increases local tax revenues.