Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation
Dinosaur Park
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Dinosaur Park

Meet the Team: Daniel Jacobs
June, 29 11:01 AM
Meet the Team: Daniel Jacobs
Daniel Jacobs (favorite dinosaur: Dilophosaurus) was a fixture at Dinosaur Park before it even opened to the public.

“Peter Kranz first showed me...
Guest Post: A Muirkirk Dilemma
June, 8 8:58 AM
Guest Post: A Muirkirk Dilemma
This guest post was contributed by Dinosaur Park volunteer and veteran fossil hunter Gerald Elgert. It has been lightly edited.

An interesting...
The Sauropod Tooth Mystery
April, 29 1:41 PM
The Sauropod Tooth Mystery
Of all the dinosaur groups, the sauropods (long-necked giants like Brontosaurus and Maryland’s own Astrodon) were among...
New lungfish named for Peter Kranz
April, 6 9:24 AM
New lungfish named for Peter Kranz
University of Oklahoma paleontologists Joseph Frederickson, Thomas Lipka, and Richard Cifelli have named and described a new species of lungfish that once cruised the swampy waterways of Cretaceous...
Open During Construction!
March, 23 9:26 AM
Open During Construction!
After two years of planning, we’ve broken ground on the Phase II renovation project at Dinosaur Park. Over the next few months, we will be transforming the Park entrance and interpretive garden by...