Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation
 > Department of Parks and Recreation | Arts > Arts Opportunities

Dance Injury Workshop

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Dance Injury Workshop
On Sat August 27th, at Dance Place, Performance Plus Physical Therapy will be presenting the first in a series of workshops called the Dance Injury Workshop Series.

This first installation will focus on Pre-Semester injury Tips, and the Foot and Ankle. It will focus on
• Dancer psychology and why we get injured
• Common injuries of the foot and ankle
• Easy prevention tips to stop injuries from occurring and how to treat minor injuries
• How to recognise injuries and when to get help

This is a lecture/demonstration forum with a Question and Answer sections and at the end. So please come prepared to move a bit!

This is an excellent opportunity to start the conversation that noone else is having - why do dancers get injured and how do we prevent it!

Ensure the longevity of your career by getting the information they need to stay injury free and keep dancing!!

CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP - Spaces are limited and early registration ends on Thursday August 25th.
Feel free to share with someone in need of help!! Let's keep each other dancing!